Theophilus & Cyrillus18:41UT Janssen & Fabricius18:55UT The "walled plain" type crater Janssen with the size of about 190km is one of the most ancient structures on the moon and experienced many changes over the eons like the formation of the interesting rille-system. The north wall of Janssen has been destroyed by the relatively young (class 2) impact crater Fabricius. 80 km diameter Fabricius features multiple central peaks and an interesting mountainous ridge. Piccolomini & end of Altai Scarp18:48UT 85km diamter Piccolomini shows multiple 2000m high central peaks and massive slides down it's rim wall terraces. Posidonius18:33UT Apollo 17 landing area
Part of the impressive Apollo 17 panaroma. To the right is the South-Massive visible, to the left can Bear Mountain be seen.
Apollo 17 approaching the landing area. Bear Mountain is in the center
of the image. |
Mosaic Janssen, Theophilus, Cyrillus, Picolomini, Catharina, Mare Nectaris, FracastoriusClick for full resolution (347KB, 1735p x 939p) 19:09UT - 19:27UT